D:\MinGW\lib>nm -g libuser32.a > C:\nmlibuser32.txt
C:\>cscript.exe /nologo nm2extrn.vbs C:\nmlibuser32.txt >
C:\>cscript.exe /nologo nm2extrn.vbs C:\nmlibuser32.txt 1 >
copy and save the below code as nm2extrn.vbs
Update - 2012 06 18 | 12:42 AM
maybe you need to separate those extrn files into xp, vista & 7 because some API is not available in xp, if you ld it and execute the application, you will get error like
The procedure entry point GetTouchInputInfo could not be located in the dynamic link library USER32.dll.
The procedure entry point GetTouchInputInfo could not be located in the dynamic link library USER32.dll.
Update - 2012 06 18 | 09:59 PM
now support api that without @
00000000 I __imp__iupdrvWarpPointer
use this fasm macro to auto extrn match API that we use in asm source
00000000 I __imp__iupdrvWarpPointer
use this fasm macro to auto extrn match API that we use in asm source
macro extrn stuff { match text =as name:type,stuff \{ if used name extrn text as name:type end if \} }special thanks to revolution!
Dim funcname ' lstrcatW Dim functype ' A or W or etc Dim funcextrn ' __imp__wvsprintfW / __imp__iupdrvWarpPointer Dim funcextrn1 ' @12 Dim funcextrnjoin ' __imp__wvsprintfW@12 Dim unicode Dim nmcontent ' content read from nm generated file Dim nmarray ' split into array by vbCrLf Dim i unicode = 0 Function ReadFile( fname ) Dim fso Const ForReading = 1 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set fnm = fso.OpenTextFile(fname, ForReading) ReadFile = fnm.ReadAll fnm.Close End Function Function SplitSpaceISpace( fcontent ) Dim breaki, breakimp, breaka If InStr( fcontent, " I " ) Then breaki = Split( fcontent, " I " ) '0 = 00000000 I '1 = __imp__iupdrvWarpPointer '1 = __imp__wvsprintfW@12 funcname = "" functype = "" funcextrn = "" funcextrn1 = "" funcextrnjoin = "" If InStr( breaki(1), "@" ) Then breaka = Split( breaki(1), "@" ) funcextrn = breaka(0) ' __imp__wvsprintfW funcextrn1 = breaka(1) ' 12 Else funcextrn = breaki(1) End If If InStr( funcextrn, "__imp__" ) Then breakimp = Split( funcextrn, "__imp__" ) funcname = breakimp(1) ' funcname = iupdrvWarpPointer ' funcname = wvsprintfW End If functype = Right( funcname, 1 ) ' A or W or etc ' join those extrn If funcextrn1 = "" Then funcextrnjoin = funcextrn Else funcextrnjoin = funcextrn + "@" + funcextrn1 End If If unicode = 1 Then If functype <> "A" Then WScript.Echo( "extrn '" + funcextrnjoin + "' as " + funcname + ":dword") End If Else If functype <> "W" Then WScript.Echo( "extrn '" + funcextrnjoin + "' as " + funcname + ":dword") End If End If End If End Function If ( WScript.Arguments.Count() = 2 ) Then unicode = 1 End If nmcontent = ReadFile( WScript.Arguments.Item(0) ) nmarray = Split( nmcontent, vbCrLf) For i = 0 to UBound(nmarray) SplitSpaceISpace( nmarray(i) ) Next[/code]
Labels: fasm, programming, vbscript
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